New Year, New Projects

I have two major self-directed projects year! The first is a card game for my Shrumans and the second is a series called Spindleroot.

The card game will be a casual dedicated deck with light strategy and fun for all ages. There will be mushrooms galore with categories like medicinal, edible, and poisonous that will educate on the sheer variety of fungal species! I start with designing the game play and then illustrate the full deck of cards. Once the art assets are in place, there is sure to be a crowdfunding campaign (most likely Kickstarter) to help with the manufacturing costs of the finished card game.

Spindleroot is the series name for a project I am developing featuring a magical world inhabited by animal characters. For the time being, it includes artwork that is set in the same universe, but there are plans to include other forms of media. I am gradually building Spindleroot with each piece and look forward to sharing the unfolding narrative.

Speaking of Spindleroot, I finished one more illustration in the series this month titled "Beware the Wyrm". Enjoy a few of the progress images below.

Project Support

To fit all these epic illustration projects into my schedule, I need to reduce my typical freelance load. This leaves me a little short on funds, so that's where having more passive income really helps. This can include things like print sales and other items in my shop. Here are all the ways to help:

  1. Share My Art Online

    • Send links to your friends to my website or print shop or repost my art on social media. Please remember to put my name in the post ( "art by Candice Broersma") for proper crediting. It’s easy to forget, but important to do whenever you post artist’s work online

  2. Subscribe to my Newsletter

    • It’s free and comes just once a month except for special event announcements

  3. Follow and "Like" Me on Social Media

    • You know the shpeel. More activity is attractive to the finicky algorithms, which will in turn boost my visibility

  4. Buy My Prints, Stationery, etc.

  5. Donate Directly

Links to Socials

New Book Covers

We won't have a deep dive this month, but a major artwork update that I hope you will enjoy! Here are new covers I designed and illustrated, soon to be published as well as their concepts. I am working with a slew of genres, so I have included that info for the sake of comparison. 

I love designing motifs and shiny things; lucky for me I had both for Buddy the Night. The motif frame provided a classic fairytale look that was perfect for the teddybear knight. 

Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy

Clash of Crystals also uses a framing element like Buddy the Knight. The novel is a little bit of "Avatar the Last Airbender" meets "Hunger Games". That plus the references to graphic novels in the story led me to channel my inner manga-ka and use graphic elements and linework. The anime room in my heart never left me. :)

Genre: YA Urban Fantasy (Trial, Dystopian)

Mists of Mbali has elements of realism along with mysticism and magic. It was important to highlight the protagonist's eyes and hint at other magic elements.

Genre: YA/New Adult Urban Fantasy

How I Use Photoshop Brushes

Photoshop has been around for more than a hot second and with it are a huge range of default brushes and add-ons. For anyone just starting to paint or draw in photoshop, the Basic Round Brush is the best to start with. Once you have a good handle on the round brush and understand how to adjust different brush settings, get experimenting. Figure out what traditional medium you gravitate toward (watercolor, oils, colored pencil), and that will inform your decisions on what brushes to use.

Less is more for your brush arsenal. There are brushes that can "stamp" finished shapes like flowers and eyes that you should avoid. Painting everything with the same one or two brushes will look more cohesive. Of the brushes I will talk about, the "Gouache Detail" brush in figure 1 is my main brush for roughly 70% of the time.

All of my brushes are found in Kyle Webster's brush packs with some minor setting changes. For all of them, I made a copy of the brush as a "New Brush Preset" by clicking the gear icon. When you do that, you need to uncheck "Capture Brush Size in Preset" and "Include Tool Settings". This way, you can use the same brush shape as an eraser, mixer brush, smudge tool, etc. You may have to turn on the brush pressure on manually when you do this.

Brush Functions

My brushes can be broken down into 3 functions, which are annotated in the above chipmunk with a, b, and c. These functions are:

  • soft, gradual shading (a), encompassed above by a soft circle

  • hard-edge "planar" shading (b), indicated with planar lines, like a 3D mesh

  • streaky, contour shading (c), represented above with arrows

My favorite brush, which is demonstrated in figure 1 below, covers all of the functions, but I still use a few selected brushes that specialize in 1 function:

The following corresponds with the figure number and functions from above:

  1. Gouche Pastel- (a,b,c)

    • This is my favorite and most versatile brush for me. The brush is rectangular with a thick and a thin side of the virtual tip to let you shade large areas as well as draw details. There is also a defined edge to a rectangular brush that makes "planar" shading easier. Think of facets on a crystal. By defining planes on faces, fabric, and other objects, it helps create a sense of dimension.

    • For both the brushes in figures 1 and 2, the brush shades differently when you hold continuously vs picking up the Wacom pen and making repeated strokes. In the top left corner of figure 1 is a continuous stroke with increasing pen pressure that is smooth in texture. The top right of figure 1 shows separate strokes that build up a more grainy texture. I build up my shading with the grainy texture method. 

    • I can't remember where this brush came from, but it might be from an earlier Megapack by Kyle Webster. It resembles oil pastel as well as some of the gouache brushes in current packs. I have it available for a free download below. Make sure that Shape Dynamics>Angle Jitter>Pen Tilt is on and that Size Jitter is off.

  2. "Gouache Blair"- Gouache Pack (a)

    • This brush is a recent favorite that pairs well with the Gouache Pastel brush. The taper is much sharper, making this brush great for things like hair, fur, and rim light. It also works incredible well for foliage, capturing thin stems and tapering leaf shapes more fluidly than my Gouache Pastel brush. 

  3. "Shady Graphite 2"- Megapack (a)

    • This brush is used briefly in my overall process, but it's still great. I incorporated this brush as a substitute for the default soft round brush. The smoothness of the default round brush takes away some of the texture I want, so the subtle texture of Shady Graphite is preferable. I use it when I need large areas with a gradual change in value.

  4. "Gouache Round Bristle"- Gouache Pack (c)

    • This is a lovely fluid brush similar to a dry brush with a round tip. This is great for hair, similar to Gouache Blair, but is better for larger clumps of hair or hair in action that is more impressionistic. I have also found it to be a great brush for fire and in some cases, fabric. "Gouache Bristle Super Dry" is from the same pack and I use it for the same applications.

Figure 5 an example of the Gouache Pastel Brush in use. I am using a shape layer for the ball to make it easier to paint inside the silhouette. I isolate shapes when I make complex compositions to help streamline my process. The drawback is that edges are too sharp and synthetic by default. I bring in a different set of Smudge brushes to create edge variation.

Figure 9 demonstrates 2 brushes used for similar hairy purposes. The left side is thick fur made with the Gouache Round Bristle brush. The right side is more volumetric hair painted with Gouache Blair. I will often combine these together for a more natural look as using Gouache Blair by itself is a little more stylized than my goal for semi-realism.

Figure 10 demonstrates how I might use the Gouache Blair Brush for foliage in addition to hair shown in Figure 9. Flowers and other plants have leaves and petals that can be simplified into 2-3 planes. They are made of simple shapes, but assembled together it can be quite detailed and overwhelming. Painting them in a planar method makes it possible to paint a field of flowers realistically without your hand falling off.

Mixer Brushes

Mixer Brushes are popular for digital painters and can be used in the same way as Smudge Brushes for solid pixels. The brush dynamics are different from Smudge Brushes and may take some fiddling with. I find the best use for Mixer brushes to be smooth, oily, and painterly styles. I don't use Mixer Brushes as much because the Smudge Brushes tackle both pixels on transparent areas as well as solid pixels. I also have been moving away from using the mixer brush for technique reasons since I want to keep my grainy under-layer visible as much as possible.

Figure 7 is example of using a Mixer Brush on an edge. Mixer Brushes need pixels to mix, so it will not work in the same way on pixels that border transparency. Instead, it pushes the pixels around and has a sharp edge. You can use the "Sample All Layers" feature to remedy this, but it will change the edge control of your shape if you are working with multiple layers and introduces lag on big canvases.

Smudge Tool

The Smudge tool is a misleading name for what functions more like a brush when using custom settings. The best way for me to describe it is that I use Mixer Brush more for "dragging" paint and Smudge Tool for "scrambling" in a controlled manner.

Figure 6 has the same shading as figure 5 but with edge variation and a brighter highlight. I am using the Smudge Tool with "Grit Smudge" Smudge Brush from Kyle's Drawing Box in the Megapack as well as the Dry Media pack. The "Basic Smudge" from the Dry Media Pack is also great for a more intense blurred edge. Grit Smudge does a good job of softening edges without completely losing the silhouette.

Figure 8 shows another Smudge Brush that I use, which is the Scraper found in the Dry Media pack. This example shows how it can be used for fine fur or hair, but it can also be used in fewer strokes to create edges with action lines.

The above example shows 2 different Smudge Brushes in action. Brackets with "1" indicate where I have used the "Grit Smudge" Smudge Brush to soften receding edges. Bracket "2" shows where I used the "Scraper" Smudge Brush to soften furry areas, which also have a few strokes of defined hairs on top made with the Gouache Blair Brush. 

If you made it this far, congratulations! Reward yourself by gazing upon this Merfrog I have recently painted to celebrate the end of MerMay.

In other recent news, I have joined a new social media and portfolio platform called Cara, which is making the news headlines as one of the fasted growing Apps. Meta recently implemented new predatory AI-training policies (on top of shady data policies to begin with), prompting an exodus of artists to Cara. Cara is for human-made art only and is like a breath of fresh air knowing everything on your newsfeed is "real" and not plagiarized AI imagery. Cara is worth checking out and shows how much people value the protection of their creative works. 

Forest Friends and Website Store Launch

One of my goals is to create more art that is part of my own creative vision, characters, and stories. Although I love working on book covers, there are some constraints with subject matter and designing for marketability. After doing some art with animals, I realized that they provide a certain freedom that I don't find with figurative human-based work and are a great jumping off point. Expect more forest friends in the near future!

 "The Messenger" has a silly origin story, but more depth materialized as I worked on it, both for the character and the environment. It started from the desire to visualize the word-play of chipmunk with chip-monk. From there I wanted to create a feeling of hope and the stories of saints being visited by heavenly beings found its way into the narrative.

"A Possum Mom" celebrates the amazing marsupial of North America, the opossum, and moms everywhere! I kept in mind the spring timing of Mother's Day and was generous with the blossoms.

I am taking an exciting step in my art business by opening an online store integrated directly into my website! It will launch in about a week on April 24 and will coincide with some deals! I will send out a special newsletter with the launch and a special discount code.

Procreate Vs. Photoshop Part 2

Last month I shared about some adventures in Procreate from the perspective of a Photoshop user. I have a few more insights to add and some conclusions that surprised me!

Reference photo from photographer Engin Akyurt. Brush comparison in Procreate. Re-shading the same sketch with different brushes is a great way to see their qualities!

My original goal was to recreate the feel of Photoshop in Procreate, but I also found that I liked Procreate for different uses. With the above study, I tested out two brushes that I liked after a lengthy narrowing-down process. The left example was made with a gouache style brush with the hopes of finding something like the Kyle gouache brushes for Photoshop. The right example was made with a brush from the Jingsketch Basics pack that I had used and was a little intimidated by at first, but had noticed potential. I stuck with it and enjoyed using it so much that I decided to pursue this smooth, art deco flavor with an additional study!

The Edge Control brush is one that could only work well in Procreate. The brush dynamics that make it so fluid and have a controlled, but organic taper from the hard edge to the soft edge would not work in Photoshop. Procreate excels at line-based brushes, so it's no mystery that comic artista love it. It is also useful for the contour control needed for modern/art deco styles and calligraphy. 

Above are the brush settings for Procreate and wow-eee are there a bunch of toggles. The number of brush features on the left side seems to be about the same as Photoshop, but within each feature, there are a greater number of settings. Finding a pre-made brush you like and messing around with the settings a little is more approachable than building a brush from scratch.

A painting study in Procreate using Jingsketch's Edge Control brush.

Here is the second attempt with the Edge Control brush to see if I could make a more polished illustration with it. The plane-defining nature of the brush called for a graphic approach and informed the direction of the composition. The shading style for this elk gave some freedom to exaggerate shapes while also being systematic in a way that feels natural for how I like to build shadows and highlights. 

In conclusion, Procreate and Photoshop have the same basic structure, but have unique strengths depending on the use. For my purposes, Procreate is amazing for sketching and encourages me to experiment more. I can't sit in bed or at a cafe with my massive iMac and do photoshop sketches, but I can take the iPad anywhere and fill my time with drawing when I might otherwise melt my brain with social media. While Photoshop is also available for iPad, the interface for Procreate is well-suited for a small device. Photoshop has better tools for the complex illustrations I make for my book covers and posters, such as vector shapes, photo-editing tools, and typography options. I went in thinking I could recreate my same Photoshop techniques in Procreate and came out with a completely different approach for illustrating!

As a side-note and public service announcement, another tool has become available for protecting artists and their copyrighted images against AI plagiarism. It is called Nightshade, which is made by the same team that made Glaze. Nightshade deters the unethical scraping of copyrighted images by making very small changes to the pixels of your images. AI training models will go on to ascribe the wrong description to the “Nightshaded” images because of those changed pixels, weakening the model. Hopefully, this will help AI developers understand the importance of training on copyrighted data through consent.